今年88岁的白明锡老人1938年参加抗日支前,后参加八路军,他当年曾随八路军太行军区,转战河南安阳、滑县,河北的磁县、武安、及太行山一带。跟随部队曾参加过解放山西战役,在部队炊事班工作。 The 86 year old old man Bai Mingxi in 1938 to participate in the anti-Japanese front line, after attending the Eight Route Army, he had with the Eight Route Army Taihang military moved to Henan, Anyang, Huaxian, Hebei, Wuan, Cixian and Taihang Mountain area. With the army had participated in the liberation of Shanxi campaign, troops in related work.